North Shore, Auckland 0620 PO Box 31645
021 254 9159
What NOT to Eat and Why

What NOT to Eat and Why

There aren’t many situations when a Naturopath or Holistic Nutritionist will make blanket statements about what to eat and what not to eat.  However, the following foods are not beneficial for anyone (on a daily basis).  Of course, there will...

Protein Powders

Protein Powders

The protein powder market is so crowded, how are we supposed to spot the difference?! The main types are whey isolate, whey concentrate, soy, pea, rice, egg white and hemp.  Whey Protein Isolate The pure protein component of whey.  Whey isolate...

Top 10 Benefits of Quitting Sugar

Top 10 Benefits of Quitting Sugar

Fat Loss Regulated appetite and blood sugar, plus less cravings. Elevated Energy Stable blood sugar levels without the feeling of ‘hitting the wall’. Happy Tummy Sugar feeds bad bacteria in our gut, contributing to digestive issues. Clearer...

Kale is King

Kale is King

I used to think kale was only for vegans or horses (no offence!).  I think I was the only Naturopath/Nutritionist for years who didn’t eat kale!  Until I tried a massaged kale salad and now I eat it nearly every day for dinner (I miss it...

How To Quit Sugar in 7 Days

How To Quit Sugar in 7 Days

“No added sugar, you’re sweet enough!” Humans are born with a sweet tooth.  Breast milk is very sweet.  The sweet taste is nurturing and comforting.  Hence why we still reach for sweet foods for comfort even as an adult.  When people...

How To Make a Filling Smoothie

How To Make a Filling Smoothie

How long does your smoothie keep you full? When people tell me they don’t have a smoothie for breakfast because “it’s not filling enough”, I tell them to try one of my smoothies! Of course a fruit-only smoothie won’t fill you up! ...

All About Dairy-Free

All About Dairy-Free

This blog is part of the All About Fad Diets blog series.  They’re not really fads, but more like lifestyles. NZ being a dairy-producing country, we are big milk drinkers.  It must be good if kids get it free in schools, right? Milk has...

All About Vegetarian

All About Vegetarian

This blog is part of the All About Fad Diets blog series.  They’re not really fads, but more like lifestyles. Types of Vegetarians: Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Eat dairy products and eggs.  This is the most common type of vegetarian, as many as...

All About Vegan

All About Vegan

This blog is part of the All About Fad Diets blog series.  They’re not really fads, but more like lifestyles. The million-dollar question is, are almonds vegan? “Veganism is a way of living that seeks to exclude, as far as is possible...

All About Intermittent Fasting

All About Intermittent Fasting

This blog is part of the All About Fad Diets blog series.  They’re not really fads, but more like lifestyles. Going without foods for periods of time is engrained in our DNA.  It is argued that fasting is more natural to humans than...