North Shore, Auckland 0620 PO Box 31645
021 254 9159
Jelly is a Superfood!

Jelly is a Superfood!

It’s not a typo.  I recommend jelly for dessert, daily!  Not Jelly Tips or jelly and ice-cream (unless it’s coconut nice-cream!).  Jelly is simply made from gelatin and 100% fruit juice.  All the goodness comes from gelatin!  Gelatin is made by...

Is Eating Out Healthy?

Is Eating Out Healthy?

Top 10 Tips… Water is the cheapest and healthiest drink – add berries, citrus fruits or mint to naturally flavour water, instead of sugar-laden soft drinks. Eat your salad or vegetables first – fill your stomach with goodness...

Beauty Foods

Beauty Foods

Do you eat these beauty foods for beautiful skin, hair and nails? Avocado is moisturising for dry skin, eat them or use it in a face mask to balance your skin. Dark chocolate contains cacao which is one of the highest sources of anti-ageing...

The Sunshine Vitamin

The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin”, is the nutrient you’re most likely to be deficient in during the winter months. “Vitamin” means vital for health and vitamin D is unique because our food is not the main source.  In winter the sun...

Winter Wellness Wisdom

Winter Wellness Wisdom

Vitamin C is probably the most well-known nutrient for the immune system.  It is a water-soluble vitamin (like B complex vitamins) that cannot be stored in the body, therefore, must be consumed on a daily basis.  Vitamin C is found in kiwifruit...

Fatigue… beyond iron deficiency

Fatigue… beyond iron deficiency

Do you go straight to the pharmacy or health store to buy iron tablets at the first sign of fatigue?  Without a blood test to confirm your iron levels? Do you know that it can be dangerous to take iron tablets if you don’t need to, especially...

Hyperthyroidism Natural Treatment

Hyperthyroidism Natural Treatment

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located at the front of the neck.  It plays a mighty role for its small size.  It determines the body’s metabolic rate, energy levels and temperature.  Hyperthyroidism is overactive thyroid, when the body...

Oestrogen Dominance

Oestrogen Dominance

Oestrogen dominance is a state in which a woman does not have sufficient progesterone to balance the amount of oestrogen in her body. Oestrogen and progesterone levels usually swing like a seesaw i.e. when oestrogen increases, progesterone...